A Modern Redesign for Osmanlı Yatırım Bank

"People ignore design that ignores people." - Frank Chimero

Redesigned banking dashboard featuring modern colors and UI components for Osmanlı Yatırım Bank

Redesigned banking dashboard featuring modern colors and UI components for Osmanlı Yatırım Bank.

In today’s fast-paced world, online banking has become an essential part of our daily lives. With the rise of technology, customers expect a seamless experience when it comes to managing their finances. Therefore, designing an online banking web application that meets these expectations is crucial.

To achieve this, a modern design approach is essential. A modern design approach takes into account the latest trends in user experience (UX) and user interface (UI) design. It focuses on creating an interface that is both aesthetically pleasing and easy to use. I would like to share with you a redesign challenge I have taken on for the Osmanlı Yatırım bank. The bank is committed to providing a seamless and reliable banking experience for its customers, and I approached the redesign of their website with this same commitment in mind.

My goal was to create a modern, intuitive, and easy-to-use interface that would appeal to a wide range of customers. I began by conducting extensive research into the bank’s customer base, needs, and preferences, and then reviewed the current website to identify areas of improvement. As a designer, I enjoy pushing my boundaries and trying out new techniques and ideas, and this challenge was no exception. I set out to take an old-fashioned user interface and update it with modern colors and UI components, making it more user-friendly and spacious for users. Although it was a bit challenging, I was excited to try something new.

Of course, with any project, there are always small demands that come from the customer, and this project was no different. Despite the scope of the project, I remained optimistic and kept pushing forward. In the end, the design I created may seem a bit like it’s living in a fantasy world, but sometimes the best ideas come from exploring the limits of what’s possible.

Thank you for taking the time to read about my challenge. I hope it inspires you to take on a challenge of your own.