Osmanlı Investment Bank Data Package Trading Website

"Good design, when it’s done well, becomes invisible. It’s only when it’s done poorly that we notice it." - Jared Spool


This project involved redesigning Osmanlı Yatırım Bank’s data package trading platform used by customer representatives. The goal was to simplify a complex, outdated interface to better support representatives in their trading activities for bank customers. The new design aimed to reduce cognitive load and streamline micro-tasks while maintaining the platform’s robust functionality.


  • Complexity of the Existing Platform: The current platform was outdated and complex, making it difficult for users to navigate and complete tasks efficiently.
  • Domain Knowledge: Our product team at Mobven lacked know-how about trading data packages. Collecting relevant data and understanding user needs was crucial.
  • User Motivations and Needs: Understanding the motivations and needs of the users to design a user-friendly interface.
  • Iterative Design Process: The design process was non-linear and required continuous updates based on user feedback and testing.
  • Speed of Development and Testing: Ensuring that the development and testing processes were efficient and aligned with the design updates.


  • Simplify the User Interface: Create a modern, clean, and simple user interface to reduce cognitive load on users.
  • Maintain Complex Features: Ensure all complex features of the current platform are included without overwhelming the users.
  • Enhance User Experience: Support users in their micro tasks and provide a seamless trading experience.
  • Efficient Development: Use ready-to-use design libraries to speed up the development and testing processes.


To address the challenges, extensive research was conducted. Competitor analysis was the first step, providing insights into best practices and common pitfalls in similar platforms.

Weekly workshops and discussions with customer representatives and stakeholders from Osmanlı Yatırım Bank were essential in gathering insights and understanding the needs. This collaborative approach helped in refining the initial user flows created on Miro. These user flows were discussed and updated based on feedback from the team and knowledgeable individuals from Osmanlı Yatırım Bank, ensuring they aligned with user requirements and expectations.

Ideation and Prototyping

The ideation and prototyping phase began with creating mid-fidelity screens, which were then discussed with stakeholders from Osmanlı Yatırım Bank. These discussions provided valuable feedback that informed the design process. Weekly Design Studio meetings with the design team facilitated ideation and evaluation of the designs.

Continuous testing with the customers representatives allowed us to assess the performance of the designs and make necessary updates. This iterative process ensured that the designs were user-friendly and met the needs of the users.

Design Approach

The design approach adopted for this project was Incrementalist Design. This approach focused on designing the smallest possible components that could be tested and refined incrementally. Continuous testing and feedback were integral to this process, allowing for regular updates and improvements. The use of the Material Design UI Component Library significantly reduced the time spent on design, development, and testing. This library provided ready-to-use components that were already tested by experts, ensuring consistency and reliability.

By breaking down the design into manageable chunks, we were able to deliver value early and often, gathering feedback and making improvements along the way.

Final Design

The final design was the result of a collaborative and iterative process. Adobe XD was used for designing, Miro for creating user flows, Overflow for sharing and collecting feedback, and Zeplin for sharing screens with the development team.

Here are some of the mid-fidelity designs:


The redesign of Osmanlı Yatırım Bank’s data package trading platform was a challenging but rewarding project. Through extensive research, iterative design, and continuous testing, we developed a modern, clean, and user-friendly interface that addresses the complexities of the original platform. By engaging with customer representatives and stakeholders, we ensured the design met their needs and reduced cognitive load.

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